100 Incredible Old English [boys& Girls] Names That People Love All Over


old English names

Here are 100 old English names that are still loved by people:

Alfred - "Elf counsel"

Beatrix - "Voyager, pilgrim"

Cedric - "Chieftain"

Ealdred - "Old counsel"

Godwin - "Friend of God"

Hilda - "Battle"

Ida - "Hardworking"

Leofric - "Dear ruler"

Mildred - "Gentle strength"

Oswald - "God's power"

Reginald - "Advice, counsel"

Ethelbert - "Noble, bright"

Aethelred - "Noble counsel"

Bertha - "Bright, famous"

Cyneheard - "Royal bravery"

Eadric - "Rich and powerful"

Godric - "Divine power"

Hrothgar - "Famous spear"

Leofwine - "Dear friend"

Mildred - "Gentle strength"

Osbert - "Divine bright"

Ratford - "Red ford"

Ethelred - "Noble counsel"

Brihtnoth - "Bright courage"

Cynebald - "Royal boldness"

old English names

Edith - "Prosperous in war"

Godwin - "Friend of God"

Hildegarde - "Battle stronghold"

Ivo - "Yew wood"

Leofric - "Dear ruler"

Mildrith - "Gentle strength"

Osborn - "Divine bear"

Raedwald - "Powerful counselor"

Aelfric - "Elf ruler"

Beornheard - "Brave bear"

Cynewulf - "Royal wolf"

Ealdhelm - "Old helmet"

Godfrey - "Peace of God"

Hrothbert - "Famous bright"

Leofstan - "Dear stone"

Milburga - "Gentle fortress"

Osgood - "Divine goodness"

Radulf - "Counsel, wolf"

Aelfric - "Elf ruler"

Beornwulf - "Brave wolf"

Cynefrith - "Royal peace"

Ealhswith - "Noble strength"

Godiva - "God's gift"

Hrothulf - "Famous wolf"

Leofwine - "Dear friend"

Millicent - "Strong worker"

old English names

Oswin - "Divine friend"

Ragnald - "Advice, counsel"

Aethelbert - "Noble, bright"

Beowulf - "Bee wolf"

Cynebald - "Royal boldness"

Ealhmund - "Noble protector"

Godfrey - "Peace of God"

Hryre - "Falling"

Leofric - "Dear ruler"

Mildrith - "Gentle strength"

Oswyn - "Divine friend"

Raedwald - "Powerful counselor"

Aelfgar - "Elf spear"

Berhtwald - "Bright ruler"

Cyneburh - "Royal fortress"

Ealhstan - "Noble stone"

Goditha - "God's gift"

Hryst - "Famous"

Leofsige - "Dear victory"

Morcar - "Great"

Osmund - "Divine protector"

Reginheard - "Counsel, brave"

Aelfgifu - "Elf gift"

Beornred - "Brave counsel"

Cyneheard - "Royal bravery"

Eanflaed - "Eternal beauty"

old English names

Godric - "Divine power"

Hrothgar - "Famous spear"

Leofstan - "Dear stone"

Muirchertach - "Seafarer"

Osmund - "Divine protector"

Reginhere - "Counsel, army"

Aelfric - "Elf ruler"

Beornwulf - "Brave wolf"

Cynehelm - "Royal helmet"

Eanfrith - "Brave peace"

Godwine - "Friend of God"

Hrothmund - "Famous protector"

Leofstan - "Dear stone"

Myrcna - "Mercian"

Oswine - "Divine friend"

Reginald - "Advice, counsel"

Aelfsige - "Elf victory"

Beornhelm - "Brave helmet"

Cyneric - "Royal ruler"

Eanmund - "Brave protector"

Godwulf - "Divine wolf"

Hrothwulf - "Famous wolf"

Leofric - "Dear ruler"

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